Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blog 4

Reflect on the idea that tests are the only objective assessments of student learning.

In my opinion, it would not be fair to make tests the only objective assessments of students. Students need a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge of what they have learned. Some students are not good test takers because they know the information but do poorly as a result of being too nervous. In todays society, we are dealing with the age of technology. Technology is always changing and can provide students with alternative ways to present what they have learned and mastered over a period of time. Teachers need to be able to find innovative ways to reach the students that they teach and this includes offering alternate assessments.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blog 3

Reflect on the idea of what a technology-infused classroom looks like. How do you plan to have a technology-infused classroom?

I plan to have a technology-infused classroom by integrating what I know into my teaching. I will not allow my students to hand in unacceptable work, instead I will help them to learn how it could be made better. I will support my students and teach them the valuable skills that they will need to achieve academic success. I think it’s important to not establish a superiority reign over the children but to make them feel as though there is a partnership, between student and teacher. They need to feel like the classroom is an equal field, and that their teacher is there to instruct them; not give them orders. Another great aspect of the partnership is that parents can take an active role as well, they should be kept informed of the different activities and learning that takes place in the classroom. It’s important that parents take part in their child’s learning process, so they can assist the teacher. It’s not enough to sit in front of the entire classroom and teach, but rather; it takes well designed activities and projects that will stimulate a student’s mind and assist them in learning efficiently and help them truly understand the material without them getting bored or distracted.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blog 2 Prompt

(1) How can visual literacy and the use of the Internet impact the teaching and learning process in the classroom? What are some visual-thinking strategies you would like to use in your classroom? What role do you want the Internet play in your classroom?

Visual literacy and the use of the Internet can impact the teaching in learning process in the classroom by allowing a teacher to connect more to her students. If a teacher can practice good visual literacy then he/she might be able to better understand her students on a psychological level. Many kids who are unhappy or in an abusive home give it away through essays, poems, and more commonly pictures they draw. A teacher who can “read” a picture would be able to notice these signs and get the kid proper help. The Internet itself is a valuable learning tool that the student(s) can use to gain help on their assignments, an endless database. Instead of searching through a text book for information about a president or major figure, a child could simply look up on the Internet and find the results much quicker.

Some visual-thinking strategies that I would like to use in my classroom are: using art (in a way that would develop critical thinking and good communication) and to engage them in an activity where they would have to deeply examine a picture for tiny differing details. This process would teach the students how to pay attention better (to detail and directions) as well as teaching them good focus and comprehension. The role that I want the Internet to play in the classroom is for it to become another useful tool in a student’s arsenal of learning; such as a text-book or a calculator, but more efficient.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Instructional Strategies

Describe the importance of the using a variety of instructional strategies and the value they add to education of students in the 21st Century. Evaluate the role technology plays in the implementation of various instructional strategies. How will this impact your teaching of students?

Instructional stratgies are important because they enable the educator to use a variety of methods to reach the different types of learners in the classroom. Students are actively engaged and there is less down time. The 21st century has brought about so many changes and children have access to more educational tools than their parents did.
Technology is essential in the classroom in order to meet the needs of your student's. Technology enables teachers to bring real world examples onto the classroom and involve the student. Technology enables me to involve my students more during a lesson. Students are able to participate in webquests and actually see what happens during an earthquake or tornado rather than just hearing about it. The use of technology will benefit my students and allow me to enhance their knowledge.